Institute of the State regarding prisoners and missing, hostage citizens working together with the Commission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in the ANAS,Archaeology and Anthropology  institute  on October28,in 2024. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) renowned experts scientific seminar on “Forensic Archaeology” was held with his participation.

The seminar was introduced by the Director of the Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in History, Associate Professor Farhad Guliyev,missing in the liberated territories of Azerbaijan in the search for fallen people, in the field of identification of human remains working together Prisoner and the State in relation to missing, hostage-taking citizens.

The activity of the Commission and the ICRC in the last two years is high talked about the results. F. Guliyev of Ankara University, working under ICRC line Court under the Institute as a result of cooperation with anthropologists training of national specialists in archaeology and relevant scientific research. He emphasized that the first steps have been taken, such as the formation of structures. (TOMER) head, professor, Dr. Timur Gultaki “Natural disasters and man” had a presentation on Physical anthropology of Ankara University (DTFC) head of the department, professor, doctor, paleoanthropologist Ayla Sevim Erol did “Human speech on “identification of missing persons based on their remains”. Representatives of the ICRC on forensic expertise: Ankara University Uyum Vehit, research associate of Physical Anthropology Department of DTFC and Thailand Natnipoon Rattanarungruang, research associate of the Institute of Forensic Expertise Presentation on “Activity of ICRC Humanitarian Forensic Expertise”. Geologist of Ankara University, expert on natural disasters, Dr. Nehir Varol spoke about “Scene Management in Forensic Expertise”. In their speeches, experts were missing in natural and anthropogenic disaster areas the method used to search for people, identify human remains, and they informed about technological innovations. Formerly occupied Karabakh and ANAS in various locations of Eastern Zangezur economic regions a joint investigation with the staff of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology the information about their work aroused the special interest of the seminar participants.

Director of the Institute, Ph.D., Associate Professor F. Guliyev, seminar participants of the Armenian invaders in the Panahali Khan Palace and Building Complex in Aghdam from the act of vandalism he committed and the research carried out by the Institute employees in this area, made a presentation about research works. 

ANAS Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Department of Anthropology head, doctor of anthropology Aliaga Mammadli in his speech from the work done by the department employees on Forensic Archaeology, physical problems in the development of the field of anthropology and their solution spoke. 

Then the experts of the ICRC and the employees of the Institute who participated in the seminar answered their questions on scientific cooperation with Ankara University of the Institute of Anthropology,it was proposed to prepare a draft memorandum. It should be noted that in the seminar ICRC’s Forensic Expertise in Azerbaijan Department coordinator Nitin Kumar Agrawal, ICRC Court Gulnara Garakhanova, employees of the defense department of the expertise department and Khanlar Babayev, ICRC employee Narmin Mirzayeva participated.