Ellada Abubakir Bakirova was born on February 24, 1983, in the Agdash region. In 2000, she graduated from the secondary school named after Mushfig Isayev and entered the History Faculty of Baku State University on a scholarship.

From 2000 to 2004, she completed her bachelor’s degree, and from 2004 to 2006, she earned her master’s degree with honors. In 2008, she was admitted to the full-time doctoral program in “History of the Homeland” at the Institute of History of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. She completed her dissertation work during her doctoral studies before the end of the study period; however, due to interruptions in the activities of the Dissertation Council at that time, she defended her PhD dissertation titled “The Western Territories of Caucasian Albania in Antiquity” in 2015. In 2017, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, she was awarded the scientific Doctor of Philosophy in History. In 2023, she was granted the academic title of Associate Professor in the “History of the Homeland”.

Ellada Bakirova began her professional career in June 2015 as a senior laboratory assistant in the Publishing Department of the Institute of History. In 2016, she was first appointed as a junior researcher in the Department of Ancient History of Azerbaijan, and later as the head of the Education Department. In 2021, she was appointed as the scientific secretary of the Institute of History, a position she held with distinction until January 2024. Additionally, since 2021, Ellada Bakirova has been an active researcher in the field of Albanology, serving as a senior researcher (0.5 position) at the Albanology Scientific Center, which is part of the Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology.

She has presented papers on various issues of Albanology at conferences both within our country and abroad, and her scientific articles have been published in local and international journals, along with her monograph titled “The Western Territories of Albania (Antiquity)”. Currently, she is continuing her research on her Doctor of Science dissertation topic, “Historiography of Albanian History”, under the specialty of “Historiography, Source Studies, and Historical Research Methods”.

Ellada Bakirova is also engaged in teaching. Since 2016, she has been lecturing at the History Faculty of Baku State University, delivering courses such as “History of the Ancient World”, “History of the Ancient East”, and “Ancient History” for undergraduate students, and “Current Issues in Albanology”, “Byzantine Eastern Policy and Azerbaijan”, and “Azerbaijan in Ancient Greek and Roman Sources” for graduate students. She has also taught specialized subjects in the master’s program at the Institute of History of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.